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Visbur Vanlandasson, King of Uppsala

Visbur Vanlandasson, King of Uppsala

Mann Ca 319 - 360  (41 år)

Personlig informasjon    |    Notater    |    Alle    |    PDF

  • Navn Visbur Vanlandasson, King of Uppsala 
    Fødsel Ca 319 
    • Uppsala, Sverige
    Kjønn Mann 
    Død 360 
    • Døde 360 : Uppsala, Sweden
    Person ID I2210  My Genealogy
    Sist endret 8 Feb 2015 

    Far Vanlandi Wanlanda (Vanlande), Svegdasson (Sveigdesson) Sveigdirson, Ki,   f. Ca 280   d. 340 (Alder 60 år) 
    Famile ID F0679  Gruppeskjema  |  Familiediagram

     1. Dómaldi / Domaldr Visburrson, Yngling, King in Uppsala Sweden,   f. Ca 320   d. 380 (Alder 60 år)
    Famile ID F0678  Gruppeskjema  |  Familiediagram
    Sist endret 8 Feb 2015 

  • Notater 
    • Swedish King of the House of Yngling, King of Sweden, Konge, @occu00539@, Kung i Svealand, Roi d'Uppsal, Kung. Sände bort sin första fru och sönerna. De ville ha det som tillhörde dem men fick det ej och dräpte sin far., Kung
    • About Visbur Vanlandasson, King of Uppsala


      Two wives, three sons. First wife: Daughter of Authi - Two sons, Onn and Gisle Second wife: Not named - One son: Domaldi

      The two first sons killed their father. The second one inherited.

      born around 319?

      Visbur or Wisbur in Scandinavian mythology was a king of the House of Ynglings and the son of Vanlandi. He was burned to death inside his hall by the arson of two of his own sons in revenge for rejecting their mother and denying them their heritage. He was succeeded by his son Dómaldi.

      Snorri Sturluson wrote of Visbur in his Ynglinga saga (1225): Visbur succeeded his father Vanlande. He married the daughter of Aude the Rich, and gave her as her bride-gift three large farms, and a gold ornament. They had two sons, Gisle and Ond; but Visbur left her and took another wife, whereupon she went home to her father with her two sons. Visbur had a son who was called Domald, and his stepmother used witchcraft to give him ill-luck. Now, when Visbur's sons were the one twelve and the other thirteen years of age, they went to their father's place, and desired to have their mother's dower; but he would not deliver it to them. Then they said that the gold ornament should be the death of the best man in all his race, and they returned home. Then they began again with enchantments and witchcraft, to try if they could destroy their father. The sorceress Huld said that by witchcraft she could bring it about by this means, that a murderer of his own kin should never be wanting in the Yngling race; and they agreed to have it so. Thereafter they collected men, came unexpectedly in the night on Visbur, and burned him in his house.[2][3]

      http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visbur -------------------- Alt Death dates: 339, 344

      http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visbur Visbur var en mytologisk kung av Svitjod och Ynglingaätten enligt Heimskringla. Han var son till tidigare kung Vanlande och dennes drottning Driva. Han gifte sig med en dotter till Aude den mäktige, och de fick två söner, Gisl och Önder. Nu fann dock Visbur en ny hustru varpå den gamla reste hem till sin far och tog med sig de två sönerna.

      Med sin nya hustru fick Visbur en tredje son, Domalde. När Gisl och Önder var tolv och tretton år gick de till sin far för att få sin mors brudgåva. Visbur nekade och de två sönerna sade att guldhalsbandet skulle bli den bäste av ynglingaättens bane. Därefter red de hem till sin morfar och planerade hur de skulle mörda sin far.

      Völvan Huld anlitades för att hjälpa dem, men hon spådde att mordet på deras far skulle leda till en tradition av släktmord inom ätten. De lyssnade inte utan brände sin far till döds i hans hus.

      http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visbur In Scandinavian mythology, Visbur was a king of the House of Ynglings and the son of Vanlandi. He was burned to death inside his hall by the arson of two of his own sons in revenge for rejecting their mother and denying them their heritage. He was succeeded by his son Dómaldi.

      Snorri Sturluson wrote of Visbur in his Ynglinga saga (1225):

      Vísburr tók arf eptir Vanlanda föður sinn; hann gékk at eiga dóttur Auða hins auðga ok gaf henni at mundi þrjá stórbœi ok gullmen. Þau áttu 2 sonu, Gisl ok Öndur. En Vísburr lét hana eina ok fékk annarrar konu; en hon fór til föður síns með sonu sína. Vísbur átti son er Dómaldi hét; stjúpmóðir Dómalda lét síða at honum úgæfu. En er synir Vísburs váru 12 vetra ok 13, fóru þeir á fund hans ok heimtu mund móður sinnar, en hann vildi eigi gjalda. Þá mæltu þeir, at gullmenit skyldi verða at bana hinum bezta manni í ætt hans, ok fóru í brott ok heim. Þá var enn fengit at seið ok siðit til þess, at þeir skyldu mega drepa föður sinn. Þá sagði Huldr völva þeim, at hon mundi svá síða, ok þat með, at ættvíg skyldu ávalt vera í ætt þeirra Ynglinga síðan. Þeir játtu því. Eptir þat sömnuðu þeir liði, ok kómu at Vísbur um nótt á úvart ok brendu hann inni.[1]

      Visbur succeeded his father Vanlande. He married the daughter of Aude the Rich, and gave her as her bride-gift three large farms, and a gold ornament. They had two sons, Gisle and Ond; but Visbur left her and took another wife, whereupon she went home to her father with her two sons. Visbur had a son who was called Domald, and his stepmother used witchcraft to give him ill-luck. Now, when Visbur's sons were the one twelve and the other thirteen years of age, they went to their father's place, and desired to have their mother's dower; but he would not deliver it to them. Then they said that the gold ornament should be the death of the best man in all his race, and they returned home. Then they began again with enchantments and witchcraft, to try if they could destroy their father. The sorceress Huld said that by witchcraft she could bring it about by this means, that a murderer of his own kin should never be wanting in the Yngling race; and they agreed to have it so. Thereafter they collected men, came unexpectedly in the night on Visbur, and burned him in his house.[2][3]

      Snorri included a piece from Ynglingatal (9th century) in his account in the Heimskringla:

      Ok Visburs
      vilja byrgi
      sævar niðr
      svelga knátti,
      þá er meinþjóf
      markar öttu
      setrs verjendr
      á sinn föður;
      ok allvald
      í arinkjóli
      glóða garmr
      glymjandi beit.[4][5]

      Have the fire-dogs' fierce tongues yelling
      Lapt Visbur's blood on his own hearth?
      Have the flames consumed the dwelling
      Of the here's soul on earth?
      Madly ye acted, who set free
      The forest foe, red fire, night thief,
      Fell brother of the raging sea,
      Against your father and your chief.[6][7]

      The Historia Norwegiæ presents a Latin summary of Ynglingatal, older than Snorri's quotation:

      Hic [Wanlanda] genuit Wisbur, quem filii sui cum omni curia sua, ut citius hærenditarentur, vivum incenderunt. Cujus filium Domald [...][8]

      He [Vanlande] was the father of Visbur, whose sons burnt him alive with all his hirdsmen, so that they might attain their inheritance more swiftly. His son Domalde [...][9]

      The even earlier source Íslendingabók cites the line of descent in Ynglingatal and also gives Visburr as the successor of Vanlandi and the predecessor of Dómaldr: vi Vanlandi. vii Visburr. viii Dómaldr -------------------- Konge i Uppsala (Sverige) -------------------- Visbur tog arv efter sin far Vanlande. Han gifte sig med Aude den mäktiges dotter och gav henne tre storgårdar och ett guldsmycke. De fick två söner som hette Gisl och Önder. Visbur lämnade henne ensam och skaffade sig en annan kvinna. Hans första hustru for till sin far och tog med sig sönerna. Med sin nya kvinna fick han sonen Domalde. Den första hustrun lät "sejda" olycka över Visbur. När hans två söner var 12 till 13 vintrar for de till sin far för att hämta guldsmycket som var deras mors brudgåva, men han ville inte lämna det ifrån sig. Då sade de att smycket skulle bli döden för den bäste mannens i hans ätt. Sedan sejdade de åter på ett sådant sätt de skulle kunna döda sin far. Sejdkvinnan Huld sade till dem att hon skulle sejda så att släktdråp därefter skulle begås av Ynglingaätten. De gick med på detta. Därefter samlade de manskap och smög sig på Visbur under natten och brände honom inne. Guldsmycket användes sedan när kung Agne dödades.

      -------------------- From Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visbur

      'Visbur or Wisbur (Old Norse "Certain/Undoubted Son"[1]) in Scandinavian mythology was a king of the House of Ynglings and the son of Vanlandi. He was burned to death inside his hall by the arson of two of his own sons in revenge for rejecting their mother and denying them their heritage. He was succeeded by his son Dómaldi.' -------------------- In Scandinavian mythology, Visbur was a king of the House of Ynglings and the son of Vanlandi. He was burned to death inside his hall by the arson of two of his own sons in revenge for rejecting their mother and denying them their heritage. He was succeeded by his son Dómaldi.

      Visbur succeeded his father Vanlande. He married the daughter of Aude the Rich, and gave her as her bride-gift three large farms, and a gold ornament. They had two sons, Gisle and Ond; but Visbur left her and took another wife, whereupon she went home to her father with her two sons. Visbur had a son who was called Domald, and his stepmother used witchcraft to give him ill-luck. Now, when Visbur's sons were the one twelve and the other thirteen years of age, they went to their father's place, and desired to have their mother's dower; but he would not deliver it to them. Then they said that the gold ornament should be the death of the best man in all his race, and they returned home. Then they began again with enchantments and witchcraft, to try if they could destroy their father. The sorceress Huld said that by witchcraft she could bring it about by this means, that a murderer of his own kin should never be wanting in the Yngling race; and they agreed to have it so. Thereafter they collected men, came unexpectedly in the night on Visbur, and burned him in his house. --------------------

      Visbur Vanlandasson 378 SmartMatches

      Birth: About 319 in , Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden 1 2


      Sex: M

      Father: Vanlandi Svegdasson b. About 298 in , Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden

      Mother: Driva Snaersson Princess Of Finland b. About 302 in , , , Finland

      Changed: 20 Mar 2001 00:00

      Spouses & Children

      Visbur Vanlandasson Princess Of Finland (Wife) b. About 323 in , , , Sweden

      1 2

      Marriage: Abt 339 6 Nov 2004 14:29


      Domaldi Visbursson b. About 340 in , Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



      REFN: HWS8910

      Ancestral File Number: G6SX-VPCHAN20 Mar 2001

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


      Title: "FamilySearch® Ancestral Fileâ„¢ v4.19"

      Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

      Publication: 3 Feb 2001

      Title: "Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson"

      Author: Larson, Kirk

      Publication: Personal Research Works including Bethune & Hohenlohe Desce

      ndants, 1981-2001, Kirk Larson, Private Library

      -------------------- Burned to death by sons in his hall. Succeeded his father Vanlande; m. the dau. of Aude the Rich, whom he afterward left and took another wife, bringing on himself a curse by so doing. Visbur's sons fell unexpectedly over him, burning him in his house. Domalde, his son, succeeded him. [History of Sweden, p. 35]

      Reference Number: G6SX-VP IG

      --- Visbur, the son of Vanlandi, was murdered by his own sons who burned him one night in his hall (according to legend). [Royal Families of Medieval Scandinavia, Flanders, and Kiev]

      -------------------- Noteringar

      Kung. Son till Vanlade och Driva. Gifte sig med en dotter till Aude den rike. De fick två söner, Gisl och Öndur. Men Visbur övergav henne för en annan och då tog hon sönerna med sig hem till sin egen far. Visbur fick ännu en son, Domalde, med den nya kvinnan. När Visburs två första söner var tolv och treton år gamla for de till honom för att hämta sin mors giftogods. Han vägrade emellertid att lämna ut dem. Då sade de att guldhalsbandet skulle bli till bane för den bäste mannen i hans ätt, sedan reste de hem igen. Där planerade de att mörda sin far. En trollkona skulle hjälpa dem att sejda men hon varnade dem att det skulle leda till att ättedråp sedan alltid skulle följa i Ynglingarnas ätt. Det accepterade de. De samlade en här, red till Visbur och brände honom inne.

      -------------------- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visbur -------------------- Visbur or Wisbur (Old Norse "Certain/Undoubted Son"[1]) in Scandinavian mythology was a king of the House of Ynglings and the son of Vanlandi. He was burned to death inside his hall by the arson of two of his own sons in revenge for rejecting their mother and denying them their heritage. He was succeeded by his son Dómaldi -------------------- Visbur or Wisbur (Old Norse "Certain/Undoubted Son"[1]) in Scandinavian mythology was a king of the House of Ynglings and the son of Vanlandi. He was burned to death inside his hall by the arson of two of his own sons in revenge for rejecting their mother and denying them their heritage. He was succeeded by his son Dómaldi.


      Snorri Sturluson wrote of Visbur in his Ynglinga saga (1225):

      Vísburr tók arf eptir Vanlanda föður sinn; hann gékk at eiga dóttur Auða hins auðga ok gaf henni at mundi þrjá stórbœi ok gullmen. Þau áttu 2 sonu, Gisl ok Öndur. En Vísburr lét hana eina ok fékk annarrar konu; en hon fór til föður síns með sonu sína. Vísbur átti son er Dómaldi hét; stjúpmóðir Dómalda lét síða at honum úgæfu. En er synir Vísburs váru 12 vetra ok 13, fóru þeir á fund hans ok heimtu mund móður sinnar, en hann vildi eigi gjalda. Þá mæltu þeir, at gullmenit skyldi verða at bana hinum bezta manni í ætt hans, ok fóru í brott ok heim. Þá var enn fengit at seið ok siðit til þess, at þeir skyldu mega drepa föður sinn. Þá sagði Huldr völva þeim, at hon mundi svá síða, ok þat með, at ættvíg skyldu ávalt vera í ætt þeirra Ynglinga síðan. Þeir játtu því. Eptir þat sömnuðu þeir liði, ok kómu at Vísbur um nótt á úvart ok brendu hann inni.[2]

      Visbur succeeded his father Vanlande. He married the daughter of Aude the Rich, and gave her as her bride-gift three large farms, and a gold ornament. They had two sons, Gisle and Ond; but Visbur left her and took another wife, whereupon she went home to her father with her two sons. Visbur had a son who was called Domald, and his stepmother used witchcraft to give him ill-luck. Now, when Visbur's sons were the one twelve and the other thirteen years of age, they went to their father's place, and desired to have their mother's dower; but he would not deliver it to them. Then they said that the gold ornament should be the death of the best man in all his race, and they returned home. Then they began again with enchantments and witchcraft, to try if they could destroy their father. The sorceress Huld said that by witchcraft she could bring it about by this means, that a murderer of his own kin should never be wanting in the Yngling race; and they agreed to have it so. Thereafter they collected men, came unexpectedly in the night on Visbur, and burned him in his house.[3][4]

      Snorri included a piece from Ynglingatal (9th century) in his account in the Heimskringla:

      Ok Visburs
      vilja byrgi
      sævar niðr
      svelga knátti,
      þá er meinþjóf
      markar öttu
      setrs verjendr
      á sinn föður;
      ok allvald
      í arinkjóli
      glóða garmr
      glymjandi beit.[2][5]

      Have the fire-dogs' fierce tongues yelling
      Lapt Visbur's blood on his own hearth?
      Have the flames consumed the dwelling
      Of the here's soul on earth?
      Madly ye acted, who set free
      The forest foe, red fire, night thief,
      Fell brother of the raging sea,
      Against your father and your chief.[3][6]

      The Historia Norwegiæ presents a Latin summary of Ynglingatal, older than Snorri's quotation:

      Hic [Wanlanda] genuit Wisbur, quem filii sui cum omni curia sua, ut citius hærenditarentur, vivum incenderunt. Cujus filium Domald [...][7]

      He [Vanlande] was the father of Visbur, whose sons burnt him alive with all his hirdsmen, so that they might attain their inheritance more swiftly. His son Domalde [...][8]

      The even earlier source Íslendingabók cites the line of descent in Ynglingatal and also gives Visburr as the successor of Vanlandi and the predecessor of Dómaldr: vi Vanlandi. vii Visburr. viii Dómaldr[9]. -------------------- !UICK SUMMARY:

      Two wives, three sons. First wife: Daughter of Authi - Two sons, Onn and Gisle Second wife: Not named - One son: Domaldi

      The two first sons killed their father. The second one inherited.

      born around 319?

      Visbur or Wisbur in Scandinavian mythology was a king of the House of Ynglings and the son of Vanlandi. He was burned to death inside his hall by the arson of two of his own sons in revenge for rejecting their mother and denying them their heritage. He was succeeded by his son Dómaldi.

      Snorri Sturluson wrote of Visbur in his Ynglinga saga (1225): Visbur succeeded his father Vanlande. He married the daughter of Aude the Rich, and gave her as her bride-gift three large farms, and a gold ornament. They had two sons, Gisle and Ond; but Visbur left her and took another wife, whereupon she went home to her father with her two sons. Visbur had a son who was called Domald, and his stepmother used witchcraft to give him ill-luck. Now, when Visbur's sons were the one twelve and the other thirteen years of age, they went to their father's place, and desired to have their mother's dower; but he would not deliver it to them. Then they said that the gold ornament should be the death of the best man in all his race, and they returned home. Then they began again with enchantments and witchcraft, to try if they could destroy their father. The sorceress Huld said that by witchcraft she could bring it about by this means, that a murderer of his own kin should never be wanting in the Yngling race; and they agreed to have it so. Thereafter they collected men, came unexpectedly in the night on Visbur, and burned him in his house.[2][3]

      http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visbur -------------------- Alt Death dates: 339, 344

      http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visbur Visbur var en mytologisk kung av Svitjod och Ynglingaätten enligt Heimskringla. Han var son till tidigare kung Vanlande och dennes drottning Driva. Han gifte sig med en dotter till Aude den mäktige, och de fick två söner, Gisl och Önder. Nu fann dock Visbur en ny hustru varpå den gamla reste hem till sin far och tog med sig de två sönerna.

      Med sin nya hustru fick Visbur en tredje son, Domalde. När Gisl och Önder var tolv och tretton år gick de till sin far för att få sin mors brudgåva. Visbur nekade och de två sönerna sade att guldhalsbandet skulle bli den bäste av ynglingaättens bane. Därefter red de hem till sin morfar och planerade hur de skulle mörda sin far.

      Völvan Huld anlitades för att hjälpa dem, men hon spådde att mordet på deras far skulle leda till en tradition av släktmord inom ätten. De lyssnade inte utan brände sin far till döds i hans hus.

      http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visbur In Scandinavian mythology, Visbur was a king of the House of Ynglings and the son of Vanlandi. He was burned to death inside his hall by the arson of two of his own sons in revenge for rejecting their mother and denying them their heritage. He was succeeded by his son Dómaldi.

      Snorri Sturluson wrote of Visbur in his Ynglinga saga (1225):

      Vísburr tók arf eptir Vanlanda föður sinn; hann gékk at eiga dóttur Auða hins auðga ok gaf henni at mundi þrjá stórbœi ok gullmen. Þau áttu 2 sonu, Gisl ok Öndur. En Vísburr lét hana eina ok fékk annarrar konu; en hon fór til föður síns með sonu sína. Vísbur átti son er Dómaldi hét; stjúpmóðir Dómalda lét síða at honum úgæfu. En er synir Vísburs váru 12 vetra ok 13, fóru þeir á fund hans ok heimtu mund móður sinnar, en hann vildi eigi gjalda. Þá mæltu þeir, at gullmenit skyldi verða at bana hinum bezta manni í ætt hans, ok fóru í brott ok heim. Þá var enn fengit at seið ok siðit til þess, at þeir skyldu mega drepa föður sinn. Þá sagði Huldr völva þeim, at hon mundi svá síða, ok þat með, at ættvíg skyldu ávalt vera í ætt þeirra Ynglinga síðan. Þeir játtu því. Eptir þat sömnuðu þeir liði, ok kómu at Vísbur um nótt á úvart ok brendu hann inni.[1]

      Visbur succeeded his father Vanlande. He married the daughter of Aude the Rich, and gave her as her bride-gift three large farms, and a gold ornament. They had two sons, Gisle and Ond; but Visbur left her and took another wife, whereupon she went home to her father with her two sons. Visbur had a son who was called Domald, and his stepmother used witchcraft to give him ill-luck. Now, when Visbur's sons were the one twelve and the other thirteen years of age, they went to their father's place, and desired to have their mother's dower; but he would not deliver it to them. Then they said that the gold ornament should be the death of the best man in all his race, and they returned home. Then they began again with enchantments and witchcraft, to try if they could destroy their father. The sorceress Huld said that by witchcraft she could bring it about by this means, that a murderer of his own kin should never be wanting in the Yngling race; and they agreed to have it so. Thereafter they collected men, came unexpectedly in the night on Visbur, and burned him in his house.[2][3]

      Snorri included a piece from Ynglingatal (9th century) in his account in the Heimskringla:

      Ok Visburs
      vilja byrgi
      sævar niðr
      svelga knátti,
      þá er meinþjóf
      markar öttu
      setrs verjendr
      á sinn föður;
      ok allvald
      í arinkjóli
      glóða garmr
      glymjandi beit.[4][5]

      Have the fire-dogs' fierce tongues yelling
      Lapt Visbur's blood on his own hearth?
      Have the flames consumed the dwelling
      Of the here's soul on earth?
      Madly ye acted, who set free
      The forest foe, red fire, night thief,
      Fell brother of the raging sea,
      Against your father and your chief.[6][7]

      The Historia Norwegiæ presents a Latin summary of Ynglingatal, older than Snorri's quotation:

      Hic [Wanlanda] genuit Wisbur, quem filii sui cum omni curia sua, ut citius hærenditarentur, vivum incenderunt. Cujus filium Domald [...][8]

      He [Vanlande] was the father of Visbur, whose sons burnt him alive with all his hirdsmen, so that they might attain their inheritance more swiftly. His son Domalde [...][9]

      The even earlier source Íslendingabók cites the line of descent in Ynglingatal and also gives Visburr as the successor of Vanlandi and the predecessor of Dómaldr: vi Vanlandi. vii Visburr. viii Dómaldr -------------------- Konge i Uppsala (Sverige) -------------------- Visbur tog arv efter sin far Vanlande. Han gifte sig med Aude den mäktiges dotter och gav henne tre storgårdar och ett guldsmycke. De fick två söner som hette Gisl och Önder. Visbur lämnade henne ensam och skaffade sig en annan kvinna. Hans första hustru for till sin far och tog med sig sönerna. Med sin nya kvinna fick han sonen Domalde. Den första hustrun lät "sejda" olycka över Visbur. När hans två söner var 12 till 13 vintrar for de till sin far för att hämta guldsmycket som var deras mors brudgåva, men han ville inte lämna det ifrån sig. Då sade de att smycket skulle bli döden för den bäste mannens i hans ätt. Sedan sejdade de åter på ett sådant sätt de skulle kunna döda sin far. Sejdkvinnan Huld sade till dem att hon skulle sejda så att släktdråp därefter skulle begås av Ynglingaätten. De gick med på detta. Därefter samlade de manskap och smög sig på Visbur under natten och brände honom inne. Guldsmycket användes sedan när kung Agne dödades.

      -------------------- From Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visbur

      'Visbur or Wisbur (Old Norse "Certain/Undoubted Son"[1]) in Scandinavian mythology was a king of the House of Ynglings and the son of Vanlandi. He was burned to death inside his hall by the arson of two of his own sons in revenge for rejecting their mother and denying them their heritage. He was succeeded by his son Dómaldi.' -------------------- In Scandinavian mythology, Visbur was a king of the House of Ynglings and the son of Vanlandi. He was burned to death inside his hall by the arson of two of his own sons in revenge for rejecting their mother and denying them their heritage. He was succeeded by his son Dómaldi.

      Visbur succeeded his father Vanlande. He married the daughter of Aude the Rich, and gave her as her bride-gift three large farms, and a gold ornament. They had two sons, Gisle and Ond; but Visbur left her and took another wife, whereupon she went home to her father with her two sons. Visbur had a son who was called Domald, and his stepmother used witchcraft to give him ill-luck. Now, when Visbur's sons were the one twelve and the other thirteen years of age, they went to their father's place, and desired to have their mother's dower; but he would not deliver it to them. Then they said that the gold ornament should be the death of the best man in all his race, and they returned home. Then they began again with enchantments and witchcraft, to try if they could destroy their father. The sorceress Huld said that by witchcraft she could bring it about by this means, that a murderer of his own kin should never be wanting in the Yngling race; and they agreed to have it so. Thereafter they collected men, came unexpectedly in the night on Visbur, and burned him in his house. --------------------

      Visbur Vanlandasson 378 SmartMatches

      Birth: About 319 in , Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden 1 2


      Sex: M

      Father: Vanlandi Svegdasson b. About 298 in , Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden

      Mother: Driva Snaersson Princess Of Finland b. About 302 in , , , Finland

      Changed: 20 Mar 2001 00:00

      Spouses & Children

      Visbur Vanlandasson Princess Of Finland (Wife) b. About 323 in , , , Sweden

      1 2

      Marriage: Abt 339 6 Nov 2004 14:29


      Domaldi Visbursson b. About 340 in , Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



      REFN: HWS8910

      Ancestral File Number: G6SX-VPCHAN20 Mar 2001

      - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


      Title: "FamilySearch® Ancestral Fileâ„¢ v4.19"

      Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

      Publication: 3 Feb 2001

      Title: "Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson"

      Author: Larson, Kirk

      Publication: Personal Research Works including Bethune & Hohenlohe Desce

      ndants, 1981-2001, Kirk Larson, Private Library

      -------------------- Burned to death by sons in his hall. Succeeded his father Vanlande; m. the dau. of Aude the Rich, whom he afterward left and took another wife, bringing on himself a curse by so doing. Visbur's sons fell unexpectedly over him, burning him in his house. Domalde, his son, succeeded him. [History of Sweden, p. 35]

      Reference Number: G6SX-VP IG

      --- Visbur, the son of Vanlandi, was murdered by his own sons who burned him one night in his hall (according to legend). [Royal Families of Medieval Scandinavia, Flanders, and Kiev]

      -------------------- Noteringar

      Kung. Son till Vanlade och Driva. Gifte sig med en dotter till Aude den rike. De fick två söner, Gisl och Öndur. Men Visbur övergav henne för en annan och då tog hon sönerna med sig hem till sin egen far. Visbur fick ännu en son, Domalde, med den nya kvinnan. När Visburs två första söner var tolv och treton år gamla for de till honom för att hämta sin mors giftogods. Han vägrade emellertid att lämna ut dem. Då sade de att guldhalsbandet skulle bli till bane för den bäste mannen i hans ätt, sedan reste de hem igen. Där planerade de att mörda sin far. En trollkona skulle hjälpa dem att sejda men hon varnade dem att det skulle leda till att ättedråp sedan alltid skulle följa i Ynglingarnas ätt. Det accepterade de. De samlade en här, red till Visbur och brände honom inne.

      -------------------- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visbur -------------------- 5. VISBUR - Swedish King who was killed by his sons from his first wife. After Visbur senr away his first wife and two sons in order to take another wife, the first wife sent the two sons back to Visbur to ask him to return their mother's dowry - three large farms and a gold ornament. Visbur refused to return anything to them. During the night they gathered a group of men and went to Visbur's house where they burned the house with Visbur in it. His son was:

      6. DOMALDE - A Swedish King who died in 130 A.D. During his reign, -------------------- BIOGRAFI:

      Nicknames: "Visbur", "Vanlandeson", "Vísburr", "Vanlandesson", "Vanlandasson"

      Birthdate: cirka 300

      Birthplace: Uppsala, Sweden

      Death: Died 360 in Uppsala, Sweden

      Occupation: Swedish King of the House of Yngling, King of Sweden, Konge, @occu00539@, Kung i Svealand, Roi d'Uppsal, Kung. Sände bort sin första fru och sönerna. De ville ha det som tillhörde dem men fick det ej och dräpte sin far., Kung

      Visbur var en mytologisk kung av Svitjod och Ynglingaätten enligt Heimskringla. Han var son till tidigare kung Vanlande och dennes drottning Driva. Han gifte sig med en dotter till Aude den mäktige, och de fick två söner, Gisl och Önder. Nu fann dock Visbur en ny hustru varpå den gamla reste hem till sin far och tog med sig de två sönerna.

      Birth: About 319 in , Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden 1 2


      Sex: M

      Father: Vanlandi Svegdasson b. About 298 in , Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden

      Mother: Driva Snaersson Princess Of Finland b. About 302 in , , , Finland

      Changed: 20 Mar 2001 00:00

      Spouses & Children

      Visbur Vanlandasson Princess Of Finland (Wife) b. About 323 in , , , Sweden

      1 2

      Marriage: Abt 339 6 Nov 2004 14:29


      Domaldi Visbursson b. About 340 in , Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden

      Med sin nya hustru fick Visbur en tredje son, Domalde. När Gisl och Önder var tolv och tretton år gick de till sin far för att få sin mors brudgåva. Visbur nekade och de två sönerna sade att guldhalsbandet skulle bli den bäste av ynglingaättens bane. Därefter red de hem till sin morfar och planerade hur de skulle mörda sin far.

      Völvan Huld anlitades för att hjälpa dem, men hon spådde att mordet på deras far skulle leda till en tradition av släktmord inom ätten. De lyssnade inte utan brände sin far till döds i hans hus.